Our dietitian provides detailed dietetic advice to correct some nutritional problems:
  • eating disorders
  • anaemia
  • suboptimal weight
  • osteoporosis
  • excessive lipids and cholesterol
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • arthritis and gout
  • kidney problems
  • blood disorders
  • food allergies

Nutritional counseling

Good nutrition is essential for health. A healthy eating habit is the foundation of all dietary recommendations. Women of various age groups have specific nutrient needs. Often it is difficult to incorporate these specific needs into daily intake without a thorough understanding of physiology and biochemical properties of foods. Dietary interventions for physiological abnormalities are even more difficult. Our nutrition experts are trained to assist in these conditions and are required to keep up with the latest research through professional registration.

Consultation Process
Initial consult is provided on referral from doctor. Clients are given a detailed assessment on their present intake and recommendations are given in the form of an individually tailored plan.
Follow-up visits assure that clients can follow their nutrition plan and attain their dietary goals. Here we also discuss behavior modification techniques as well as to provide reinforcement. The diet plan is modified if necessary, based on the client's input.
Maintenance - at least one visit is encouraged to ensure that dietary changes have been maintained 6-8 months after goal is reached.

Diet Therapies include
  • Malnutrition
  • Anaemia
  • Anorexia and Bulimia
  • Prenatal Nutrition and Lactation
  • Weight Gain, Reduction and Maintenance
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Hypertriglyceridemia
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Hypertension
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Arthritis and Gout
  • Kidney Problems
  • Food Allergies
  • Vegetarian Diets
  • Diets for preventative and remedial conditions

Our clinical psychologist provides the following services to maintain your mental well being:

  • worksite wellness program
  • situational stress management
  • psychosocial assessment and counseling
  • behavioural modification program

Mental wellness & psychological counseling

Women today are exposed to more stress than before as they have to play multi-roles in family and at work. It is no doubt that they will overlook their physiological limitation until health problems occur. Brief stress exposure can be tolerated but overstress is hazardous to health. One of the very serious health risks is that depression may decrease bone mineral density and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Causes of Depression

Stress may come from both good and bad changes in your daily life, e.g. job promotion, childbearing, new home; conflicts, illness, emotional disturbances, environmental changes, financial burden, etc. If the cause of stress is not managed properly and exists over a long period of time, you will become overstress and may be exposed to health problems. For example, heart diseases, gastrointestinal illness or even mental disorders, sometimes the individual may be addicted to alcohol, caffeine or other drugs. In fact, many health problems are stress-related or induced.

When we encounter stress, our body will respond by releasing hormones that stimulate our nervous system for any corresponding reaction. Symptoms of overstress are:

  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Muscular and shoulder tension & pain
  • Nervous and anxious
  • Depressed with negative thinking
  • Dizziness
  • Disorder in digestive system, e.g. appetite changes
  • Uncontrollable temper
  • Chest tightness as if you cannot breath
  • Persistent fatigue

At The Women's Clinic we offer psychological counseling and clinical services via our supportive and caring professionals to help you cope with your psychosocial difficulties. Psychologist will provide psychological assessment, diagnosis and behavioral, cognitive or psychotherapy treatment if necessary. We provide services including:

  • Worksite wellness program & situational stress management
  • Personalized psychosocial assessment and counseling
  • Individualized behavioral modification program

Make a booking with our clinical psychologist when you experience severe symptoms of stress.

BMI Smart

To know whether you have an ideal weight, please click at BMI-Smart

Food for Choice

To look for the nutrient and energy content of various food for calculation of daily diet intake, please click at Food for Choice.